It's a short insight in the past and present of Japanese Doom/Heavyrock. There are more interesting bands, beside the well-known CHURCH OF MISERY or ETERNAL ELYSIUM. Bands like REIGN, BORIS, GREENMACHINE, K.N.S.K., Df, DOT(.), NINGEN-ISU or SOLAR ANUS etc. are as great as their international heavy comrades, and have released outstanding demos or albums.
I introduce two of my favorite bands from the early 70's, BLUES CREATION and FLOWER TRAVELLIN' BAND. The current musical period will be represented with more unknown outfits like Df, DOT (.), K.N.S.K., REIGN etc.. There are more good bands to discover, and may you will not find the one you looking for, but this section will grow larger in the future.
Thanks to Kaoru Takizawa!!!