"Hello all,
A new release out now on French label Le Cri de la Harpe:
The disc, in their words, is: Superbes plages ambient; les sons de guitare electrique sont enregistres live, puis retravailles pour creer un magma organique constitue de morceaux longs & hynotiques. Beautiful ambient soundscapes; electric guitar sounds recorded live & then re-worked, manipulated to create an organic magma, constituted of long & hypnotic tracks. There is an mp3 sample available on the site, or use this link:
Also, for those of you anywhere near the midwestern States, I will be playing in Chicago on Sunday Sept 26 at 3030, 3030 W. Cortland, with a bunch of local Chicago musicians:
This will be the launch party for the 2004 Muted Tones series, something of an online music gallery, to which I will be contributing September's sounds:"