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Baby Woodrose - Blows Your Mind LP back in print

Reprint of the classic Baby Woodrose debut album. In reality a one-man operation by Lorenzo Woodrose who wrote the songs, played all the instruments, produced the record together with Moody Guru and put it out on his own Pan Records in 2001. More obscure, psych and lo-fi than the new stuff but the songs are every bit as cool! Presented in a daring sleeve by Malleus sure to raise an eyebrow or two. This 4th print is on funky purple vinyl.

Telstar Sound Drone – Mirror Pieces 7”

Telstar Sound Drone formed in 2007 when Hans Beck convinced Mads Saaby to join him in a project called Les Aprés L’amour Sonnes, an artist collective working with media such as sound and video. The first project was to add sound to old educational movies, playing along with the projections. With the addition of Sean Jardenbæk and Mads Løwe the project turned into a band and settled with the name Telstar Sound Drone. The band recorded a self-titled EP that led to a show at Roskilde Festival in 2009.

After that Telstar Sound Drone took a break while internal problems almost destroyed the band. At one point Hans Beck was the only member of the band playing all the instruments. The problems were solved and in February 2011 they recorded two brand new songs at the Black Tornado studio in Copenhagen with this single in mind. Telstar Sound Drone cleverly blend shoegazer, drone and psychedelic rock and even though the noise breaks are quite breathtaking the music is always melodic making this release one of the most promising singles on Bad Afro for a long time.

The Telstar Sound Drone line-up is: Sean Jardenbæk (Vocals, Guitar), Mads Løwe (Bass), Mads Saaby (Guitar) and Hans Beck (Drums). The two last mentioned also play in Baby Woodrose. www.telstarsounddrone.com 

On Trial – On Trial 2x7”

After more than 25 years on the outskirts of the Danish rock scene On Trial have decided to pull the plug. No more On Trial. On Trial have more than a handful of albums out on labels like Tee Pee, Delerium and Bad Afro and have played their own kind of stonerrock years before the term was even invented. Members of On Trial have also given birth to other projects like Baby Woodrose, Dragontears, Spids Nøgenhat and Aron.

This 2x7” includes 4 songs. 'Bolt of Force' and 'No Beginning' were recorded some time ago as the first session for a new album that never was finished. '13 is Just a Number' and 'Flaws' were recorded only just recently and mark the final On Trial recordings ever. The single is delivered in a gatefold 7” sleeve and all 500 copies will have unique artwork. On Trial will be silkscreening and painting each individual sleeve so no sleeve will be identical. Destined to become a collectors item on the release day May 30th. No reprint garanteed. This release is already gone so visit your local vinyl pusher soon if you want a copy.

On Trial will play their last show June 3rd 2011 at Loppen in Copenhagen.

