Listenable Records is chuffed to announce the signing of 70's-tinged U.S. hard rock band Blood Of The Sun. The band's newest album, 'Burning on the Wings of Desire', is scheduled for a late-2012 release on Listenable Records. Get ready for a catchy overdose of vintage hard rock!
Blood Of The Sun was formed in 2002 by Henry Vasquez (Saint Vitus, Archie Bunker) on drums and Dave Gryder (Storm at Sunrise) on keyboards. Blood Of The Sun's goal from the beginning has been to carry on the tradition of the classic rock style of the '70's, including highly respected seventies icons Derek St. Holmes from Ted Nugent and John 'O Daniel and Rusty Burns from Point Blank. In 2004, the band released their self-titled, first release on the independent brain ticket label. This initial line up included Las Cruces singer Mark Zamarron, Sub Oslo bassist Miguel Veliz, as well as Archie Bunker guitarists Jay Benfield and Rich Christopher.
For their 2007 sophomore release 'In Blood We Rock', personnel changes included Richard Hurley and Ty Thompkins on guitars and Henry Vasquez on vocals. In 2008, 'Death Ride' was released with Derek St. Holmes from Ted Nugent on vocals as well as Erik Schmidt from REO Speed Dealer and Mike Doty from The House Harkonnen on guitars. In addition to touring the states, the band toured Europe extensively in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and has subsequently been preparing their newest release 'Burning on the Wings of Desire' which includes John O'Daniel and Rusty Burns from Point Blank and Tony Reed. (Stone Axe, Mos Generator).