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Former Penance vocalist announces debut of ARGUS

From Butch Balich:


"Greetings and double devil horns to all !!

I am proud to announce the debut of ARGUS. The band and I met in January of this year through their former vocalist, and friend of mine, Eric Johnson. After jamming once we knew the chemistry was right. I was asked to join and jumped at the chance. We set about writing new material and in some cases reworking some older material to create what we feel is a very strong set of heavy songs. Our debut show will be June 30th with our friends in Mosura and Short Long at Excuses on the South Side in Pittsburgh.


We're tentatively aiming for August to begin recording our first album. The band members are: Kevin Latchaw (drums), Jay Mucio (guitar), Andy Ramage (bass), Mike Wisniewski (guitar) and me (Butch Balich) on vocals. You can check out some rehearsal tracks at http://www.myspace.com/theargus  We'll be replacing them with studio recordings as soon as we have some finished. Thanks for checking us out and we hope we can bring our music to all of you as soon as possible."

