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New albums from KING TRAVOLTA and ULTRALORD!

Created by Klaus Kleinowski

The KING TRAVOLTA album is finished and available thru Shifty Records. There are some special guests on this one:

Bug Metal Dave (SOULLESS, ASCENSION), Scott Stearns (WIZARDFOOL, MADMAN MUNDT, SON OF JOR-EL), and Steve Barcus (KFG). The band had a great time recording the album. Check out the hit single, titled "D.E.A.D.W.S.C.S. Keelhauler". It's a scorcher!!!!!!


ULTRALORD have finished the first recording and will be released on Shifty Records as well. ULTRALORD is a new band consisting of Corey - drums (FISTULA, KING TRAVOLTA, SON OF JOR-EL), Andy - guitar (RUNE, x-RUE), Craig Kilo - bass (CHURCH OF THE GOAT), and Scott Stearns - guitar (WIZARDFOOL, MADMAN MUNDT, DIEHARD (pre-INTEGRITY)). The album is about 30 minutes and is simply titled "Act I". It has six parts, this recording was done on the spot - one take - there are no punch ins done in the studio, so what you hear is what you get. Done on the fly in moments of depression, anger, frustration, and that's it. It was the first time, that all members were all in one room together as ULTRALORD - it just needed to be done. They have been rehearsing for the first full-length already - 4 or 5 songs and as they speak - very good times.


