After signing with Giddy Up! Records in October for the N. American release of 'As A Dog Returns'...we're now pleased to announce label and distribution for Europe, UK, and the rest of the world with Volcom Entertainment! 'As A Dog Returns' on Volcom will be distributed thru ADA Warner.
Victor Griffin adds, "We're extremely happy with this arrangement. I've had my eye on Volcom for sometime now. They're a wide reaching company and have their hand in other markets besides music...a clothing line for men & women, boys & girls, skateboard & surfing apparell, and more. What's cool is a company like this just loves heavy music and so only puts out the stuff they really dig. It's just a whole different angle than the way labels typically work".
In addition, the first dates have been announced for the shared European tour with The Gates Of Slumber. Click here to get an oberview on the venues.