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THE RESURRECTION SORROW: Radio Campaign, Upcoming Shows

With the release of THE RESURRECTION SORROW's debut release 'Hour of the Wolf' a few weeks behind us, the metallic stoner-rock mastery of the record has taken quite a few humans by surprise, resulting in some amazing reviews and fan responses. The band's combined influences on the record culminate into something pure and proud that fans of a magnitude of genres are heavily praising.

A national radio campaign for Hour of the Wolf begins January 18th via Skateboard Marketing - longtime cohorts of the band and Earsplit PR - who also have a long history of supporting both national and DIY artists.

The band also have a few shows lined up for the coming months, with more constantly in the works. Here are the dates. Full-on touring is imminent in the band's near future.

THE RESURRECTION SORROW is comprised of a close-knit unit of friends and musicians who've collectively spent time in NYC acts Murphy's Law, Tides Within, After Dark, Malstrom, Supervillain and more. Their debut album 'Hour of the Wolf' was recorded by veteran engineer Joe Hogan (Nebula, The Atomic Bitchwax) and features intense artwork by Seldon Hunt (Melvins, Sunn O))), Pelican, Neurosis, etc.).


