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YOB website news and more!

Created by Klaus Kleinowski

YOB's Mike comes up with a lot of news about the rebuilding of the band's website and more. Here we go...

"We are currently rebuilding our website to include a number of new features. We now have a guestbook, a YOB forums section,and updated YOB happenings and show updates in the news section. We will soon have a shopping cart style merch section that will take credit cards for our all new merch that we are making right now. We will have new shirts,buttons and stickers as well as our cds for sale dirtectly from us. This will be up and rolling sometime in October. The address is www.yobdoom.com. " 


That's all for now! DOOM!!!




-Spiritual DOOM-Disciples Of The DRONE-eyes raised to Heaven-standing neck deep in Hell-with gods and demons in the palm of hand-the sadness of love reaches the ONE-

