BEATEN BACK TO PURE (Southern Apocalypse) CD

With one of the best releases in 2001 BBTP have shown this world, that they are one of the finest heavy southern doom sludge metal acts. Singer Ben describes their music as "Southern laden metal with rawk and roll parts". To go more into details, it's the way they combine all this elements in six bone-breaking tracks what makes them so special. They have fixed it together in a refreshing new progressive way . Of course, it isn't something as "prog-sludge" (let's create it!) , but BBTP aren't only walking blindly in the footsteps of the mighty Grief (RIP) or Eyehategod. For sure you find a lot of trademarkes out of the so-called Sludge/Doomcore genre but BBTP are having integrated more hooklines in the songs.
They still know when it's time to slow songs down to the bone or just change into a groove laden up-tempo part. It all simply kicks ass and hadn't being boring to me for a second. Both guitars are creating a wall of massive crunchy heaviness and on top the raw and growling vocals of Ben Hogg. This man must eat razorblades for breakfast. Some good hooklines are integrated into the song structures and so "Southern Apocalypse" is a amazing aggressive hell of a debut. I REALLY hope that BBTP will come up with a full-length album this year, because this a highly recommandable appetizer. The very fine UK-based label RETRIBUTE RECORDS has released "Southern Apocalypse", where you can order it directly. For actual informations about BBTP check out the homepage.