BEATEN BACK TO PURE (The Last Refuge Of The Sons Of Bitches) CD

I've asked myself very often, how BBTP will top their fantastic debut "Southern Apocalypse", but that they would release such an awesome masterpiece is still a very positive shock for me. They songs are much complex than on the debut, without losing their bone-breaking aggressive approach. But BBTP have also forced their sensitive elements in the songs and Ben's vocals are more diverse than ever before what means that he also uses his clear vocals. For me, BBTP were never one of those typical Sludge bands. There are tons of different influences in the whole album so that this band is in some moments on a new path. They doesn't define heavy music new, but they aren't afraid to try out something new. Just listen to some of the surprising changes in some of the tracks.
Maybe someone would describe BBTP as progressive doomy Metal Rawk n Roll Sludge. This time guitarist Vince has opened his Sniper Christian Studio and the band had have enough time to create this strong result. I could go on and on, but you have to listen to this exciting album for yourself . It's full of contasts and emotions, groove and slow parts, heavy as a steamroller and that's the way it rolls over you.My only point of criticism is the playing time of 35 minutes +, although it contains 8 songs. But it doesn't really matters. This is a must-have for everyone who's looking for "new" music and one of my personal highlights of 2002. Shit, I can't get it outta my player! The label is once again Retribute Records (Hey, Chris!) and for the latest news about BBTP take a look a their website. Worship the sons of the double barrel blasphemy!