BEAVER (Mobile) CD

In the past it seems to me, as if this band get lost in their arrangements so it wasn't always easy for me to follow them through their songs, except a few songs and the split-10" with QotSA. Complex sound-structures layed down and fixed together with long jazz and progressive influenced jams. But this time it's nice to hear, that BEAVER were more focused on melodies and hooks, rather than on complicated Coltrane-influenced structures."Mobile" is an emotional moody album, more relaxed but still very progressive.
All eight songs are different from each other, with amazing guitarwork and a groove-laden hypnotizing rythm-section. BEAVER recorded the album at the Void in Eindhoven. Everything sounds very warm and thick and the music flows very natural out of the speakers, like if you were sitting in the rehearsel room."Mobile" smokes from the first to the last shuddering power-chord and it grows with every listen. It has its dark moments and there's still a huge Obsessed vibe is their music.
Just check out the bitter sweet ultra heavy "9 Lives", the catchy "At the Mirror Palace", the low and heavy "Circumnavigation", "Liberator" which is very close to The Obsessed or the last track "Hour Glass" which could be also on the "Lodge" release with it's interesting chord progression.BEAVER have created a good and unremarkable album and they are still unique and light years away from all these average heavy doom fuzz rock bands. This is one of the best album from the last year 2001 and it's highly recommandable. It was released on Man's Ruin (RIP) and for more informations go to: