BELOW THE SOUND (More Like A Gunshot Than A Car Wreck) MCD

For all those, who are only focused into Doom, Sludge and Heavy Rock I give you the advice to switch over to the next review.But the open-minded ones should continue reading this review. BELOW THE SOUND comes up with this debut MCD, that contains seven tracks with a total playing time of 21+ minutes. The songs of BELOW THE SOUND are full of energy and adrenaline, and they are performed very tightly. I would describe their music as Hardcore, minus all the stupid-trendy-macho-tough-guy clichés. They are closer to bands as Minutemen or No Means No f.e., and they remind me to my musical past in the 80's where record-label like SST and Alternative Tentacles belong to my faves.
What I really like about this three-piece is the way, they are playing together. Bass and guitar are sounding like one energetic instrument and the production, handled by the band, sounds very equal. I think, it was a good idea to release only a MCD for a debut, because there isn't the biggest variety in the songs and 40 minutes would have been a bit to long for my taste. The lyrics are also very good and at least,these guys have earned some bonus points from me because they've taken the band photo in front of a Joy Division poster. This MCD was released in 2002 between Berseker Records (RIP) and Crucial Blast Records. Check out the BELOW THE SOUND website for additional news about the band.