One of my all time faves are returning with their new album. In opposite to the forerunner "Sunset Mission" BOHREN have reduced the songs to its purest and darkest form. With "Sunset Mission", there was still a bit of hope and melancholy but "Black Earth" forces the listener back to his own dark void. Nine long instrumental tracks and it seems that this outstanding bands gets heavier and sinister with every album. They don't use distorted and loud guitars or something like this. A downtuned upright bass, drums, melotron,sax and a Fender Rhodes are their tools. And its still amazing to hear, how these guys are combining Vitus-Doom with Jazz.
The drum beat is the slowest that I've listen to since the Khanate album and they are creating an atmosphere like a soundtrack for a movie that only exsists in your mind. With song titles as "Destroying Angels", "Constant Fear" or "Maximum Black" and the cover-artwork you might think this is a death metal album. What makes me so speechless is, that really nothing happens here, but meant in a positive and inspiring way. You won't get out of this hypnotic merciless and crawling sound. Call it "Horrorjazz" or "Doomjazz"'s an amazing journey and while listening to "Black Earth" I've learned more about contemplation than by any other form of meditation. Highly recommandable for the open minded and every Doomster should give it a try. "Black Earth" has been released on Indigo/Wonder Records.
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