With their debut album "Forest of Equilibrium" this band recorded one of the most extreme Doom albums in the beginning of the 90's and it's still a classic today. Now in 2001 the band uses more elements from the early period, than on any other record before. "Endtyme" is slower ,darker and more experimental. In some moments, when you expect one of those typical breaks like in older songs, the band turns into another direction to keep the song interesting. One of the results is that you doesn't find a lot of hooklines, but that doesn't matter if you don't expect semi-hits like "Soul Sacrifice" or "Midnight Mountain". But for all the people, who are more into the groovy side of CATHEDRAL there aren't enough songs, which will satisfy you. It's good to hear, that the band has left their old path a little bit.
The same goes for the production, which was done by Billy Anderson ( SLEEP, EHG etc.). "Endtyme" sounds not so overproduced, it's more down-to-earth and rougher than the last records. It's a solid album with a lot of nice moments ( "Templars Arise!"), but on the other side there's really something I miss. Maybe it's the fact, that "Endtyme" sounds like, as if the band don't know which musical direction to follow...more 70's Progressive or more Doom and less groove... But that's only what I think, so decide for yourself. At least it's very good to see, that one of the older bands is back with a new album. For more informations check out the CATHEDRAL website or go directly to EARACHE.