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CHURCH OF MISERY (Master Of Brutality) CD

Thanks to Greg and Stephen of Southern Lord Records for releasing the new album from one of the world's strongest Heavy Doom Rock bands - Japans CHURCH OF MISERY. I think, they are still too underated, but I hope this will change with this brilliant album. Six mind-blistering tracks as well as a cover  version of the BLUE ÖYSTER CULT song "Cities On Flame". It's one of COM's trademark to play a cover version from good old songs. With a small change in the line-up (instead of old singer Nobukazu Chow and drummer Hideki Shimizu you find now behind the drums Junji Narita and Yoshiaki Negishi on vocals) the whole sound is much heavier and more powerful than on earlier releases. The new singer adds a whole new vibe to the 70's inspired Doomrock from COM. He is rougher and sounds more distorted than the old singer.

The band continues their text concept of serial killers except for the instrumental "Green River", which is a nice smooth track. It's hard to pick out one of the other songs, because all are very impressive and so massive, it's really awesome. To compare it again with older records like the "Taste the Pain" MCD on Bad Acid Records or the split-CD on Game Two Records, they sound clearer and brutal and the thick bass tone is rolling through each song. The songwriting has also progressed and this band rises from record to record. Every musician plays with a lot of passion and the band is so tight, just listen to "Ripping into Pieces" or "Killfornia" than thou will believe. "Master Of Brutality" doesn't get boring for a minute and it's always very exciting and refreshing to listen to it.

This is a must-have for every 70's Heavyrock lover and Doomhead, that's clear to see. I hope COM have in the future the chance to make a tour in Europe to present their brilliant ultra-heavy music. Order this highly recommandable masterpiece directly from Southern Lord . Please, check out the amazing live-pics, which you find in the 'Japan's Heaviest' section in this E-Zine. Let there be doom!!


