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First off all, that's not the German heavy metal band, but the Portugese doom band which was founded one year earlier. Almost unnoticed by the public DAWNRIDER have released their second full-length via Raging Planet Records in 2009. To be honest, after listening to this album for the first time, I felt distinctly underwhelmed. But that has no say, because I'm not judging an album after only one listening session. It took a while until I started to like 'Two', and meanwhile I think it's really good. The new album is more varied and less straightforward than their strong debut 'Alpha Omega', but otherwise DAWNRIDER place particular emphasis on hard-rocking, dynamic songs. That's not the kind of doom that doesn't lose itself in weepiness and monotonous riff orgies. DAWNRIDER understands how to assimilate the most varied of influences into their own heavy sound, ranging from 1970's heavy rock and rock 'n' roll to doom metal. Thus, they have much in common with bands like The Obsessed or Internal Void and I wouldn't be surprised if DAWNRIDER were part of Hellhound Records' label roster in the early 1990's. 'Two' is an album where there is something to grab onto in every song, whether it's a great, catchy riff, a complex chord progession - all with some great vocals and killer lead work. They always deliver the proper sound and mood. The guitar work and time changes definitely mark an increased sophistication from the earlier work. A good example for this is 'Queen of the Mountain', but there's more to discover. But you should consider that this album needs time until it unfolds its whole charm. Simply put, 'Two' is unpolished in places, but it's driven with a conviction that cannot be faked. It's well worth to spend your money for it.


