Once again the mighty Wizard rises his unfriendly voice in six new songs. And he shows us again his morbid uncompromising visions of this crazy and strange world. This time the production sounds much heavier, as on "Dopethrone" and it seems as if they were never so tight and heavy like on this album. The opener "A Chosen Few" strikes through the speakers with massive heavy droning riffing and this time the vocals are only something like a background effect on "Let Us Prey". The sound is thick like a black wall and bass, guitar and drums are sounding like one big instrument. "We, The Undead" is one of these typical aggressive Wizard up-tempo tracks. "Master Of Alchemy" is splitted in two parts. A nearly ten minutes long instrumental heavy track, with a hypnotizing drum-beat and guitar sounds that are coming from somewhere beyond. After the middle there are some spoken word parts in it, but then the sonic fist of the Wizard speaks again. Next track is "The Outsider", again nearly ten minutes long and in the same hypnotic vein as "Master Of Alchemy".
Then comes one of the most interesting songs named "Night Of The Shape". It's the first time that this band uses piano and strings in a track and the result is a moody instrumental, that reminds me a little bit to the great Bohren & Der Club Of Gore. The last track is "Priestess Of Mars", the third long sinister track with all the typical trademarks, that are making ELECTRIC WIZARD so unique. Heavy as hell and this weird dark psychedelic atmosphere. I like this album a lot and everyone who loves this band won't be disappointed with it. It's not exactly like "Dopethrone" and for everybody who never has been listen to ELECTRIC WIZARD, this album is the perfect start. "Let Us Prey" was released on Rise Above Records and in the USA on The Music Cartel. Go and get it!