A new US-band with their first self-released 4-track EP in 2008 and the info sheet says, that they are sure to become a staple in the Cleveland music scene and beyond. Well, ok, this five guys know what they want, but we all know that it's a long way to the top... Sometimes it's better to take a back seat instead of playing a braggart. Ok, back to the EP that comes in a good lookin' cardboard sleeve. Formed in late 2007, they took their cues from later COC, Down, and Alice In Chains, but injected a good dose of 80's thrash metal to their blend. It's all surprisingly melodic and structured, but nevertheless here's something I don't like. It's the full-throated voice of Gary Kane. Like Anselmo he's overdoing it, especially after the first two songs. That's simply too much for me. But if you don't share my personal problems with that style of singing, than you should check out FORGED IN FLAME. The band sounds modern, but nevertheless remains accessible for traditionalists as long as you like a vocalist who owns a liability to exaggerate...