GRAVITRON (The Dawning Of The Finite Moment Of Now) CD

The idea of founding this band was born in November 2001 during a showcase with Nebula, The Glasspack and The Immortal Lee County Killers. Guitarist Kevin Kapala and drummer Dave Gebhardt have known each other for a while, and raised up with the same kind of influences like Black Sabbath, Naked Raygun, Cheap Trick or The Beatles. They've been together in different bands (Godzilla Snack & Crabass) and played over one hundred shows across the midwest in the past. The intention to form GRAVITRON was to create an own version of thunderous Heavy Rock 'n' Roll, but than the whole band-thing changed more into an artist collective, because other like-minded persons were invited to lend their musical or visual talents. In 2002, Kevin and Dave deceided to record twelve song on an 8 track recorder for this first self-financed album. Every song was conceived, written and recorded in a matter of hours, usually with one take.
Everything was completed in January 2003 and after three month, a promo has found its way into the Cosmic Lava mailbox. It's not easy to pigeonhole this album, because it's charged with an amount of ideas. There are 60's psychedelic elements ("Detailing a Diesel" comes up with an organ), heavy low end noise ("Old Fashioned Duell in the Modern Age"), combined with a garage-like vibe. But due to the low-fi production, the album sounds as if you were sitting in the GRAVITRON rehearsel room, and that's the reason why I personally can't really enjoy it. It reminds me too much to my own endless hours in our rehearsel room..hahaha. I think, there's a great potential inside GRAVITRON and I hope, they will record their next album on a 16 track recorder. Another bonus is, that they've found a bassplayer who emphasis the heavviness of the entire sound. And I hope, they are looking for a lead-singer, because the vocals are a sometimes bit weak for my taste. I'm looking forward the next album, and if you like to discover a unique and promising band, visit the GRAVITRON homepage. The album has been released on the band's own label Four Walls Records.