GRIFTER (The High Unholy Mighty Rollin' EP) MCD

Some bands can sound great on their first demo while others need their time to develop a vigorous musical profile. GRIFTER belongs to the second category, but that's no general critique, because almost everything needs time in life. It was in 2005 when I received the first demo 'Elephantine' from GRIFTER and in my case it caused mixed feelings. The potential was there, but not all songs were really compelling. Well, it was a demo so I won't complain. Several years have elapsed and Fury 76 Records released this five-track debut EP in 2008, which proves that GRIFTER has made significant progress since the first demo. A good example is the re-recorded version of 'Man Bites Dog' that has more drive, not only because of a better production. It was a good idea to include 'Slow Boy', although it appeared on the 'Sounds of the Catacombs' compilation on Catacomb Records in 2008, but it's my favourite GRIFTER song. What for a catchy melody! The remaining three tracks are packed full of southern-flavored heavy blues riffs, irresistible grooves, and strong hooklines. Somehow GRIFTER remind me of a fictional jam-session between members of Clutch, Status Quo and ZZ Top. Here we have another promising English power trio, who are playing their heavy rock 'n' roll with passion and pride. By the way, the bonus video of 'Sweat Like Horses' is well worth seeing.