JPT SCARE BAND (Past Is Prologue) CD

Hi Freaks, the new JPT SCARE is out (Not really, it's from 2001! - The editor)! Actually, one can't say new, because most of the five songs to the number are from the 70's. But the CD starts with the newest track "Burn in Hell", that has been recorded in 2001, but was written back in 1974. In the beginning I was a bit disappointed from this song, but after the fifth listening the song gets better and better and the guitar simply blows me away. The second track "I've Been Waiting" is dated back to 1993 and it's a tribute to Ozzy and Black Sabbath. One can recognize the loans to Black Sabbath, but due to Terry's guitarwork it's a JPT SCARE song. We are coming to the track "Wino" from 1993, but it's originally from 1971, and it's one of my faves on this CD. Terry is playing himself into trance and it's so full of feeling, what one can't hear not so often in his playing and the song ends into a guitar-thunderstorm. With the fourth and fifth song are coming two tracks, that are better known, but not in the here included versions. It's "Time To Cry" and "Sleeping Sickness" from the "Sleeping Sickness" CD, released on Monster Records. Especially "Sleeping Sickness" with it's roaring wah-wah guitar solos is very heavy, and I think, you can imagine that Terry was a big Jimi Hendrix fan.
The sixth song is "Titan's Sirens", which is dated back to 1975. It was also on the second vinyl edition on Monster Records, and I'm still searching for it. Unfortunately, this song isn't the strongest and it's a short jam session. The next track is titled "Jerry's Blues" from 1976. It's meant as a tribute to the Wichita Blues-musician Jerry Wood, who's unknown to me, but the JPT SCARE BAND was his backing band from 1975-76. For me personal, it's the weakest song of this CD, together with "Titan's Sirens". The last track is "It's Too Late" from 1977, which was also included on "Sleeping Sickness", but here you can hear it in a "revisited version". I would be very pleased about an album with new tracks, only the production should be rougher and more 70's-like. On the whole, it's a good CD, that gets a bit weaker towards the end. "Past Is Prologue" has been released on Kung Bomar Records and for more infos take a look at the homepage of the JPT SCARE BAND.
(Rolf Kowalski)