MOOD (Vol. 1) CD

This is MOOD's first album on CD for the first time ever! Originally it was released back in 1996 as a tape album, but now you can get it with three bonus tracks. "Vol. 1" is still a very recommandable album and this Hungarian outfit plays very dynamic 70's influenced Doom Metal at it's really a shame, that MOOD are still an underground act today. They have interesting songs with groove, melody and this typical melancholic feeling, that I really miss today in most bands. And MOOD have enough variety in all eleven songs. They don´t try to limitate themselves and that means that you don´t have one of this typical boring Doom or Stoner records in your player. Another thing that I really like is the dirty production. It gives the music a very natural live feeling. "Vol. 1" rocks from the opening track to the last one, so it would become boring to describe single songs. MOOD are a great band and after this album, they have released two other albums ("Slow Down" and "Wombocosmic"). Get a hold of this high recommandable re-issue or the other records and contact the band for it at: moodgab(at) or order it from BLACK TEARS , BRAINTICKET or GAME TWO.