Over recent years, Scott 'Wino' Weinrich has turned into a workaholic and there's nothing wrong with it because he is brimming with creativity. Instead of repeating himself he is treading new paths as impressively proven with his acoustic album 'Adrift' which is truly a masterpiece. But the journey goes on and it was clear that Wino wouldn't spent the rest of his life with an acoustic guitar in his hands. It seems as if he remembered the time when he and guitarist Jim Karow were jamming together, because there are the roots of PREMONITION 13. What seemed a vision at the time has now turned into a real band that has evolved from the jamming mindset to place a greater emphasis on real songs. One thing is certain: the result that we have is an honourable one.
PREMONITION 13 is like the missing link between The Hidden Hand and Spirit Caravan, but there are also a few new elements which make sure that '13' sounds fresh and eclectic. This record has an aesthetic dimension to it that's increasingly appreciated with time. I have never been a huge fan of The Hidden Hand, but here I really enjoy the progressive leanings, because they vary in their complexity and focus. This is demonstrated, for example, by the excellent opener 'B.E.A.U.T.Y.', which is very noticeable as a result of the unusual song arrangement and the use of an E-bow. However, rock'n'roll also finds its slot, too. 'Deranged Rock'n'Roller' as well as 'Clay Pigeons' could have been part of a Spirit Caravan setlist. There's plenty of groove and you can feel the boundless and passionate energy. It should be pointed out that PREMONITION 13 has two guitarists, which makes the overall sound more compact. Not surprisingly, Wino also does the lead vocals on almost each song, except for 'Modern Man'. Here, we can hear Jim Karow and I have to admit that he is a really good singer. However, he can't hold a candle to Wino's voice, who again is doing a fantastic job.
To be honest, without his outstanding vocals the album most likely would have been just half as good. But that doesn't mean that the guitarwork is second-class. In fact, it's quite the opposite and especially Wino's significant style dominates the album. But we all know that he is a matchless singer too. Just listen to 'Senses', which is one of my favourite tracks on '13'. I find it quite moving to listen to this gorgeous song, not only because of the thoughtful lyrics. This also applies to 'La Hechicera de la Jeringa' which moreover reminds me to Spirit Caravan and yet it is no duplication of a certain band or sound from the Wino catalogue. So I am extremely content with this album and I can honestly say I am enjoying every minute of this record. PREMONITION 13 covers new ground without neglecting the past. Bottom line: '13' is a definite recommendation.