PUNY HUMAN (It's Not The Heat, It's The Humanity) CD

After the release of the debut "Revenge Is Easy" in 2000, here's the follow-up in 2003, again on Small Stone Records. I never listened to the debut, so I can't say if this one is different form the debut or not. PUNY HUMAN are playing 70's hard-edged heavy rock with influences of early Grand Funk Railroad, Thin Lizzy and early ZZ Top, mixed with a hint of later Clutch and ATP. The first four songs are very fine heavy boogie-groovers, filled with catchy melodies and cool riffs. Not spectacular, but solid and passionate. But after this, the songs are becoming more average for my taste and I've heard everything before in a more exciting way. There's the typical southern influence, what has become very popular during the last years. So I can't agree with the info, which describes this album as an underground masterpiece. With "Bare Knuckle Love", the band reaches the good quality of the first four songs, but after that the songs are becoming more ordinary, although the last track "B.I.B.L.E." reminds me a bit to later Obsessed. I won't deny, that this guys got skills, but I miss the compelling ideas. If this would be a 10", I would love it but for my taste 45 minutes are too long for PUNY HUMAN. Decide for yourself! For more informations, take a look at the band's homepage and/or the Small Stone Records website.