REVEREND BIZARRE (In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend) CD

This Finnish three-piece is something like the shooting stars of the Doom Metal community. A few years ago, they received a lot of good reviews for the first demo "Slice Of Doom", and when I started the Cosmic Lava, they were one of the first bands I've done an interview with. For those among us, who aren't aware of REVEREND BIZARRE, here's a small introduction. They don't want to avoid any Doom clichés, as crosses, skulls, misery, slowness and desperation. Their influences are old Cathedral, Saint Vitus, old Black Sabbath (of course!!!) or Count Raven, just to name a few. The only difference to this bands are, that their songs mostly expand over ten minutes, with the exception of two songs. One of them, named "Doomsower" is something like a hidden cover-version of the Saint Vitus classic "Living Backwards".
Although their songs are long-winding monuments, they still keep them interesting in opposite to their live-shows. Sorry to say, but I was really disappointed from their DSR-performance, but that's another thing. Check out a detailed report in the concert-review section. There are also a few NWOBHM influences (the last over 20 minutes long track is titled "Cirith Ungol"!), but mostly REVEREND BIZARRE are focused on massive, minimalistic and mournful heavy sinister monoliths, without adding any kind of current sludge/fuzz-rock trends. I like to recommend this album to all fans of traditional Doom Metal, but if you're looking for THC-drenched grooves, leave this out. The album has been released on Sinister Figure, and for the latest doomed informations, check out the REVEREND BIZARRE website..