SCISSORFIGHT (American Cloven Hoof Blues) CD

"American Cloven Hoof" contains seven brandnew songs, and re-written versions of five older ones from the debut "Guaranteed Kill". Once again, the band worked together with producer Craig Riggs (vocalist of Roadsaw), who has done a good job. Their massive stomping attack is straight on, sometimes with interwoven effective grooves. The production definitly supports the heavy low-end sound of SCISSORFIGHT. Out of different influences they've picked up the heaviest and grooviest parts and created an intense whiskey-drenched album. There's a hint Southern Rock , mixed up with Noise-Rock, Metal and Hardcore and the old R'N'R spirt keeps the songs together. Ironlung's charismatic vocals are mighty as a grizzly bear, and with his diverse style he gives a different note to the mighty songs. He's got similitaries to singer Nick Fallon of Clutch. Not every of the twelve songs is killer, but "Cadaver Recovery Man", "Up in The Country" (funky!) or "Proving Grounds", to name my personal faves are reason enough to check out this aggressive and entertaining album. The responsible label is Eccentric Man Recordings or Exile On Mainstream Records. For actual informations visit the SCISSORFIGHT homepage.