SEAMOUNT (III: Sacrifice) CD

Personally, I think that 2010 was a good year in terms of heavy music. A couple of excellent albums have seen the light of day and this includes also the third full-length of SEAMOUNT, released again by The Church Within Records. Yet again, the band has succeeded in crossing the borders of different musical styles (hardrock, doom metal, classic heavy metal) and the outcome is absolutely convincing. One of the strengths of SEAMOUNT is the dual guitar attack of Tim Schmidt and Andy Kummer. They are an experienced team and it's always a pleasure to listen to their creative and multi-layered guitar work.
There is then, of course, vocalist Phil Swanson, whose soulful vocal lines perfectly harmonize with the wealth of top-notch riffs and he also manages to produce a strong emotional depth. But those who are familiar with bands such as Hour Of 13 or Upwards Of Endtime know that this is one of his specialities. And, of course, I would like to give my compliments to the powerful and highly flexible rhythm section consisting of drummer Jens Hofmann and bassist Markus Stroehlein. Together, all five musicians build a strong unity, regardless the fact that three-quarters of the band lives in Germany while Phil Swanson resides in Connecticut. But it seems that it was never an obstacle for SEAMOUNT. It is not easy to pick out the highlights of this albums. Each of the ten tracks brims with compositional class as they avoid to repeat themselves. And even though 'III: Sacrifice' is less varied than 'Light II Truth', that by no means implies that it's a one-dimensional affair.
Only one thing does not change here and that is the entire mood. This album is saturated with bittersweet emotions and melancholy, but fortunately the band manages with ease to walk the narrow path between pure unadulterated kitsch and serious emotionality. There are also moments where I can imagine that 'III: Sacrifice' would be a very good soundtrack for a bloody battle, which is mainly due to the anthemic riffs and sophisticated arrangements. Despite all emotionality, SEAMOUNT can unleash a hard rockin' thunderstorm where I have no other choice but to unpack my air guitar. Altogether, 'III: Sacrifice' is a truly stunning album and SEAMOUNT's best effort so far. I can only say: highly recommended!!