SOFA KING KILLER (Lust, Crime And Holiness EP) MCD

Last year 2002, At A Loss Recordings has released this small jewel of Ohio's SOFA KING KILLER. The label-info says that this band isn't Doom, Sludge, Metal or "stoner-rock", and on the whole it's ok, although a bit of Metal has found its way into the musical heart of this band, for what the powerful production is responsible, too and a dose of Sludge is giving this mixture the right flavour. As some other heavy US-bands, SKK have a fondness for the good ol' Blues and with the second track of the four included, named "Blues Couch" they have done an authentic and instrumental tribute to this liking. The opener "Die Like An Astronaut" shows the whole power of this band. Bonebreaking groovy parts are combined with convincing heavy crunchy riffs and on top, there's a shouter who comes a little bit close to Phil Anselmo.
The whole thing is still very melodic and so SKK are on my personal winning side. The third track "CHE" is a bit more average, but the power-organ of singer Ryan Burgy kills with every single note and the fine twin-guitar work reminds me a bit to Skynyrd. The last song "Burn The Fields" is another outstanding tune, and once again one can listen to SKK's liking for 70's Heavy Rock, mixed up with a spoonful of Metalcore and the vocals are again responsible for the tasteful aggro-potential. Unfortunately, everything ends after 21 minutes and this EP is the right appetizer for the upcoming full-length on Tee Pee Records. SOFA KING KILLER are sonic killers, and should please everyone, who's into demanding, soulfull brutal heavy-boogie-southern-metal-sludge. Buy or die and highly recommandable! For label contact, mail to At A Loss Recordings and check out the SKK homepage.