New Jersey's heavy flagship SOLACE returns with their third album and once again prove that they are still something very special. Meanwhile they have been signed by Small Stone Records where they fit particularly good. One thing is certain: 'A.D.' is a monster, that is so enormous that I stand in awe after the first spins. But what makes them so special? Well, there are different reasons for this. First, when they are showing off their impressive musicianship and ability to create a great chemistry within the band, then I can only advise a lot of other heavy bands to seek shelter from SOLACE' thunderous sonic storm. The interplay between these forces is impeccable. Each instrument assimilate and merge into each other while the unique vocals of Jason are the cherry on top. Damn, this guy can sing!
Secondly, the manner in which SOLACE combine different musical styles, ranging from 1970's heavy rock and classic heavy metal to hardcore punk and doom, is unequalled and exceptionally. Of course, they are not the only band doing this, but there are only a few that develop such an individual sound like SOLACE. And last but not least, there are these epic, monstrously and carefully arranged songs. They are packed with surprising twists, crushing riffs and tasteful hooklines. All this can be found on 'A.D.' which was a difficult birth. Recorded at no less than four studios with no fewer than five engineers, SOLACE have pushed the genre into new realms of complexity and heaviness. It was worthwile to wait seven years and I am confident that everyone who loves 'Further' and '13' as well as the 'The Black Black' EP will dig 'A.D.'.
There's only one significant difference to the previous releases - this is SOLACE' best and fully developed work and one should consider that the other material is also extraordinary good. It's a dark album and the great coverartwork of Paul Vismara perfectly embodies this spirit. There are moments of melancholy, which make sure that 'A.D.' becomes even more intensive. Due to the mighty and powerful production, this beast evolves a cinematic character and it's captivating from the first note. SOLACE is still capable to develop an unmistakable, impenetrable atmosphere. Each of the nine tracks is brimming with variety so that the playing time of one hour goes by like water. For me personally, 'A.D.' is one of the musical highlights in 2010. I can only give you one advice: buy it. If you have a good taste in heavy music, you will not regret it. Trust me!