SOULPREACHER (When The Black Sunn Rises... The Holy Men Burn) CD

The second release and it's a great step forward, compared with the debut "Sonic Witchcraft". North Carolina's SOULPREACHER have matured as a band and the songs are much stronger than on the debut. They have a lot of good hooklines, but their music is still dark and melancholic with a lot of anger about the world we live in. A lot of different influences from Metal to 70's Heavyrock are making SOULPREACHER to one of the better acts, that are playing heavy and raw nihilistic Doomrock (or should I write Sludge?). There riffs are in the best Dave Chandler vein and the new drummer Brian Watson gives the songs more groove and drive.
Listen to "Something to slow you down" , one of the five songs on this CD. I should mention, that the last song is a nearly eighteen minutes long instrumental soundscape, that is filled with trippy effects and samples. Although there are only four songs, this CD is about forty-five minutes long. SOULPREACHER are intense and a strong musical unit. If they continue their path, that they've taken with this CD, they will a band you should count on for the future.Order this awesome release directly from the label GAME TWO or BERSERKER, because you shouldn't miss it.