STONEDUDES / DRIVE BY SHOOTING / ROTOR (Between Evil And Peace Tour 2005) 10"

At first, a short introduction: Between Evil And Peace (B.E.A.P.) is a booking agency, who are very active in organizing tours for Heavy Rock and Doom bands here in Germany, especially in Berlin. When they organized the first B.E.A.P. tour in 2003, featuring three bands, a triple 7" has been recorded and was sold at the venues. This idea was very successful , and here we have the latest chapter in this series: the 2005 edition. It's been some months ago, when ROTOR, STONEDUDES and DRIVE BY SHOOTING hit the road and played dozens of shows. Here is the 'soundtrack' for this gone tour, released by Nasoni Records, and every band comes up with one unreleased song. I wasn't really impressed from the band's contributions, and I've listen to better songs, especially from ROTOR and DRIVE BY SHOOTING. But that doesn't matter, because the real highlight is on the B-Side. All three bands have covered the 'lost' MC5 power-chant "Black To Comm"!
In the beginning one can hear the STONEDUDES, followed by ROTOR before DRIVE BY SHOOTING will take over the next part. All this contains liquid jamming parts, and at the end all three bands are syncronised and come together for the explosive finish of "Black To Comm". Of course, the complete recording is live without any cuts and it's amazing to hear this song for the first time in a proper way. Ok, I'm a MC5-worshipper and so I'm more enthusiastic about this fact, than someone else, but this song will also appeal to people, who never listen to this song before. The powerful groove of this song won't leave anybody cold, and it's one of the best cover-versions of a MC5 tunes, I had ever heard. Check out this release, and if you dig the 5 like me: BUY IT!