SWEATMASTER (Song With No Words) 12"/MCD

Finland's SWEATMASTER received pretty good reviews for the debut album "Sharp Cut" and have extended their good reputation through explosive live shows in some European countries. To shorten the wait for the second longplayer early 2005 on Bad Afro Records the group recorded six cover songs and two own compositions and here's the result. The record kicks off with two short, sharp shocks of SWEATMASTER's own minimalistic garage-tinged 60's pop rock 'n' roll, possessed of a musical intelligence that dwarfed their more retro-fixated contemporaries. "Song With No Words", a boisterous pop-punk stomper reminiscent of a wittier, harsher The Jam, while "Dirty Little Things" is amphetamine charged power pop that reminds me to a cross between The Undertones and The Sonics. The last six songs are giving the listener an insight into the group's musical influences. They have chosen The Wiper's "Mystery", Music Machine's "Talk Talk", The Modern Lovers '"She Cracked", Misfits' "Where Eagles Dare", Minor Threat's "I Don't Wanna Hear It" and at leat Money Mark's "Rock In The Rain". Although I still prefer the true versions, SWEATMASTER are tasteful craftsman, and it's entertaining to listen to their versions that are close to the originals. This 12"/MCD is a nice little release and a perfect appetizer for the upcoming full-lenght!