The second full-length from Swedens TERRA FIRMA and to make it short, it's a great step forward. The first album, released in 1998 contains good songs, but the whole production was not very powerful and so I was always a little bit dissapointed of it. In the latest issue of the Psychedelic Fanzine, I've read that the band is planing a re-release of the debut with bonus tracks, because they weren't real satiesfied with the production, too. But with "Harms Way" the band is showing us the great musical potential and this time, the production is massive and strong but not to polished.
The band comes up with an even more mature and technically accomplished collection of nine timeless Heavy Rock tracks. "Harms Way" got everything from up-tempo songs like "Dust Parade" to progressive influenced songs like "Sway". The instrumental opener "Freebassing" is an almost poppy sound construction with wonderful guitar leads and the charismatic vocals of Lord Chritus (ex-Count Raven / ex- St. Vitus) is sounding as good as on the first Count Raven album.
The whole album got a very melancholic and emotional vibe and it's marked by great intensity and definite depth. But TERRA FIRMA are not only using the 70's as an influence. There's also a slight touch of the early NWOBHM bands and that's really something I like and it keeps TERRA FIRMA away from boring stoner rock terretories. So, "Harms Way" is a very good album heavy and doom-laden, but also psychedelic and groovy so it's an exciting album, that grows with every spin in your player. Check it out! The label is Steamhammer.