THAT'S ALL FOLKS! (Psyche As One Of The Fine Arts) LP/CD

After the debut release "Soma...Third Way To Zion" in 1999 which received a lot of good reviews worldwide, TAF! are proving with their new album, that they are now one of the most promising heavy psych acts today. Instead of repeating the typical structures, they have open up their sound much more to the roots of this music what means that there's a bigger influence of the 60's in their songs. TAF! have recorded this album after one year of restless live activities and it's obvious to hear that they've put a lot of their live energy into the recording sessions. Although they've recorded the album in the same studio, it sounds more organic and mature than the forerunner. The songs are more spaced-out, but this isn't an album full of endless lysergic jams. This album got everything from smoking rockin' heavyness to instrumental virtuosity and although they are aware of the past, TAF! are playing it in a modern sounding way. "Psyche ..." contains twelve tunes and there's no real filler on it. This album is recommandable for everyone who likes the orgins as Hawkwind or The Stooges, but also if you dig newer stuff as early Magnet or On Trial for example. Check out the interview in this webzine for more infos about TAF! and visit their homepage for actual new. This album was once again released on Beard Of Stars Records, where you can also get the limited vinyl edition.