THE AWESOME MACHINE / DUSTER 69 (The Awesome Machine vs. Duster 69) 10"/MCD

This split has been around for a while now, released by Daredevil Records in 2002 but it's still worth to lose some words about it. It contains six tracks, three from each group while the MCD contains one bonus cut from DUSTER 69. THE AWESOME MACHINE are the first band who delivers their typical downtuned tube-laden 70's influenced brand of heavy gasoline rock, and especially the third track "The Crailsheim Experience" is an excellent instrumental cut with psychedelic fringes and a fabulously different fade out. DUSTER 69 follow up with another heavy slab of bass-driven punkish buzz saw distortion that can slice your mind into tiny irregular pieces. Here I like to mention the slow "Laugh Is Suffocated" that builds up a bittersweet atmosphere with a bass-sound can only be described as monstrous. Due to the fact that this release is free from any crap cuts, you should give it a try! If you dig both bands, it's a must-have! At least, the 10" edtion comes up with a different cover-artwork!