The Danish THE DEFECTORS are playing finest organ-based Garage-Rock, mixed up with Rockabilly, Surf and Psychobilly elements. This is their third album, this time released by Bad Afro Records, and they've made two split-singles with Drive By Shooting and Baby Woodrose. Not to forget that Lorenzo of Baby Woodrose is doing the backing vocals here in "It's Gonna Take Some Time", one of the hits of the album. Due to the fact that THE DEFECTORS are open enough for different influences instead of just ripping off the back catalogue from bands like The Sonics, The Troggs etc., their primal three-chord assault convinces me. Another outstanding tune here is "The Zoom-Out" with its somehow psychedelic surf twang, but leaving out the cheesy elements one can find very often within this genre. The Cramps must be another influence for this fivepiece, because in a few of the here included songs is the same kind of creepy feeling like in "Trick Daisy" f.e. If the primeval spirit of raw Rock 'n' Roll doesn't move you and you don't give a damn about above mentioned bands, than "Turn Me On!" will turn you off, otherwise you should give THE DEFECTORS a chance because they surely won't dissapoint you. Check out the band's homepage for actual informations.