Sometimes, I receive material from bands, which are something special for me. In this case, it's THE HEROINE SHEIKS, featuring ex-members of legendary noise-rockers Cows. But what's so special about the SHEIKS? Well, it's the bizarre way this four-piece rocks. It's no classic heavy rock, though this band can be heavy as hell, and they use classic song structures. It's no psychedelic rock, but you find some real lysergic weirdness here. Apart of the traditional rock instrumentation (b, dr, g, v,), they use keyboards in a unconventional manner, I haven't heard not very often. This strange combination underlines the intelligent psycho attitude of the band. The lyrics are also well worth to take a look at, because they are full of cynism ("Army Brat") and/or sarcasm ("Open You Up").
Sometimes, vocalist and keyboarder Shannon Selberg sounds more like a storyteller ("Grab The Wheel"), and yes, the lyrics are mostly short-stories, than typical song-lyrics. After I'd listened the first time to this album, it was obvious to hear, that THE HEROINE SHEIKS are no newcomers, though their name is still very unknown. Everything is placed here very well, and it's definitely the work of four talented craftsmen. Just check out the steaming opener "Army Brat" or the long "Mas Suicide" f.e. And when you discovered the strange humour of this band, you'll soonly be aware of the musical and poetical potential of this band. "Siamese Pipe", released through Rubric Records, is an amazing album, hard to pigeonhole, and the right stuff for listeners, who are into obscure heavy rock, which got nothing in common with trendy "stoner-rock" stereotypes. Give it a try!!!