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This is the first self-financed full-length (42:11 min.) release from this German band after the demo-tape (see demo-section). The gig was recorded live in Bocholt at the 30th of July and it's a real good sound quality, because it was recorded right from the mixing desk. The band plays older and newer songs, but most people won't know any of the songs. TWILIGHT PICTURES are influenced from bands like SOLSTICE or CANDLEMASS and there's a strong Gothic / Black-Metal touch in tracks like "Darkness of the Night". The band has now a keyborder in the line-up and his playing fits good to this bombastic dark ambience.

The vocals from Eric are maybe not everyone's taste. They could be stronger with more variety, but that's something you should decide for yourself. The band has a lot of strong moments on "Live", like the first two tracks "Life" and "Suicide", which are my personal faves.You feel, that TWILIGHT PICTURES have had a good evening at this day. Although, I don't listen to Gothic, Black or Power-Metal, I must admit that "Live" is a solid album and for people who are into this music and like Epic-Doom, check this out. At least, "Live" contains one studio-bonustrack ("By Night") and it comes in a full-covered cover.
