UNION OF SLEEP (Death In The Place Of Rebirth) LP

Already the debut album from UNION OF SLEEP impressed me, but with 'Death In The Place Of Rebirth' this band has released their strongest effort to date. Here we have a heavy slab of dirty, hard pounding rock that beats into your head like a sledgehammer. Compared to the debut full-length, 'Death In The Place Of Rebirth' is much darker and considerably raunchier. UNION OF SLEEP channelled all of their frustration and disaffection into creating some of the most oppressive and filthiest rock ever recorded in Germany. Apparently there is no band around in this country which sounds like UNION OF SLEEP.
The 1970's heavy rock influences have been reduced to near extinction. Instead, the band has further strengthen their hardcore/noise rock basis, but this does not mean that it is therefore easier to categorise their mindblowing sound. And that's one of the reasons why this band is so damn interesting. If I had to invent a drawer for their music, I would call it hardcore rock, but this is just be mentioned marginally. And, quite honestly, it would spoil the fun to limit UNION OF SLEEP to a worn-out category. The riffs and grooves on this album are big and grueling while vocalist Toni narrates bleak stories of the human life. Even in the case of the first record, it became clear that this guys attach great importance to the lyrics, and here too they captivate with ruthless honesty.
In musical terms, the band does a good job at evoking emotions of real wrath and desperation. It's safe to say that some new territory was explored, but nothing that detracts from the overall feel of UNION OF SLEEP. There is just enough complexity to keep you listening from start to finish, and enough driving force to keep your adrenalin boiling the whole way. 'Death In The Place Of Rebirth' is saturated with raw aggression and the excellent production supports UNION OF SLEEP on their mission of destruction. Enough lamenting: Definitly pick this one up. It's the soundtrack to watch the world burn.