WALL OF SLEEP (...And Hell Followed With Him) CD

Since the release of their debut MCD 'Overlook The All', which saw the light of day in 2003, Hungary's WALL OF SLEEP worked hard and relentless on their musical development, instead of drowing in stagnation. Every album was a further proof of their talent, and all those who thought that the last release 'Sun Faced Apostles' was their best work, should wait until they have listen to '...And Hell Followed With Him'. The previous album was only a small view into the band's capabilities, but now WALL OF SLEEP have reached a level of pure magic and stunning intensity. This isn't the kind of Doom, which is relying on slow as fuck riffs and minimalism. The most noticeable fact about their songs are the powerful energetic arrangements plus a huge injection of golden hooks, where some bands would kill for.
All included nine songs are a big natural stream, comparable to fresh molten lava, which flows out of the speaker and activates the central nerve system of the listener. Of course, their songs are damn heavy as well as the excellent production. Waves of thick guitars crashing down, while bass and drum build a stable foundation and Gábor Holdampf still remains one of the most interesting singer in the Doom scene. But what else can you expect from guys, which are playing Doom Metal since the early 1990's? Nothing else, than this shining brilliance.
Maybe some will criticize the short playing time of the disc, because it's about 39 minutes, but isn't it better to listen to eight outstanding tracks instead of wasting your time for an album, that runs over one hour and half of the included songs are just crap? This isn't only the band's best work until now, but also one of the best Doom Metal albums of 2007, and I can only hope, that WALL OF SLEEP will get a better support from I Hate Records, than from Psychedoomelic. Overall, '...And Hell Followed With Him' is the logical next step for a band as magnificent and dynamic as WALL OF SLEEP. If you consider yourself a real Doom Metal fan and you don't end up with a copy of this album in your collection, then please fuck off and listen to Wolfmother or other similar weak trash!