WARNING (The Strength To Dream) CD

The album has been released back in 2000, but it's still worth to write about this debut. At the beginning of the 90's this atmospheric masterpiece could have been released on Rise Above or Hellhound, but Rich Walker's label Miskatonic Foundation had taken the chance. WARNING is an UK-based trio and this album is a melancholic dark-shining monument. 50 minutes for 5 songs are the right time for this slow hypnotic doom hymns, telling stories about the bitter sides of life. Overwhelmingly heavy crushing riffs and monolithic song structures are reminding me to Vitus and the first two Revelation albums. The clear and sad vocals of Pat Walker are giving a perfect touch to this mournful album, but there are also a lot of instrumental parts in the songs. For me as an old Doomhead I can only find positive words about 'Strength To Dream', which is far away from any of today's trends. WARNING didn't making any compromises and they don't try to sympathize with all those cliches. There's not much light and hope in WARNING's world. The production is simple to describe: loud, clear, powerful and very heavy! Sadly the band broke-up in 2001 and I hope, that Pat Walker will find a new drummer and bass player, which are sharing his passion for good old Doom Metal. This is an essential, honest album, and a must-have for every fan of this genre . I think, you can order it from your personal Doom distributer or write directly to Miskatonic Foundation.