Brooklyn's WHOOPING CRANE are an amazing power trio which deliver finest classic rock of the highest caliber. Their first self-released EP 'Riffin' For Rent' sounds fresh and vibrant and it is a mystery why no record label has signed this band. Michael Lo is not only a brilliant guitar virtuoso but also a cool vocalist who is supported by a flawless rhythm section. Another advantage is that WHOOPING CRANE are enormous talents in the world of songwriting, with the result that 'Riffin' For Rent' can be extremely addictive. It has a small club feel, as if WHOOPING CRANE were playing in your local bar while you sip a cold beer. This is also due to a powerful natural sounding production that avoids, thankfully, technical gimmicks. There isn't a bad track on this EP, which is also because of the musical diversity.
Of course, the blues is omnipresent but WHOOPING CRANE aren't afraid to incorporate more influences, ranging from funk to psychedelic. This means that all six songs are very varied and manage to brighten up the listener's mood with ease. Especially 'Straight Dope' works like an anti-depressant on a shitty day. The additional harmonica provides a pleasant, bluesy ambience while the funky rhythm is as spicy as Habanero chilli. If you don't feel this groove than you're probably dead. 'She's a Knockout' is rounded out by female background vocals and shows a predilection to the 1960's. With 'Tomm Tapp', WHOOPING CRANE makes a bow to early ZZ Top without losing their own musical identity. Obviously, Michael Lo and band are bursting with creativity and they have got better things to do than to imitate their favourite rock bands. To sum things up, I can say that 'Riffin' For Rent' is a magnificent debut that makes you wish for more. Have a good flight!