Here we have a split-EP on vinyl in the 10" cult format, featuring WORSHIP and STABAT MATER, both contributing one long song to each side. After having praised their "Last Vinyl Before Doomsday ..." LP extensively, there's no need to get as detailed again what means that nothing has changed at all musically in the WORSHIP camp: Suicidal Doom Supremacy !!! Enter Finish STABAT MATER, who also do convince with their very slow contribution, although not being as superior visionary as WORSHIP. This is also very sombre and depraved sounding Doom Metal with growling vocals working out excellent in the whole run. Their song is called "Give Them Pain", and to underline that title they've incorporated brilliant samples of a screaming bitch, that gets the crap whipped out of her, most likely taken from an underground S/M flick. This is quite sick sounding, and therefore it lifts up the overall feel immensely. Awesome !! This is -again- a highly recommended output from Painiac Records, which is also limited to 400 copies only. Now go and cut your wrists...! For label contact mail to: Painiac(at)pandora.be
(Opolus XXXVII AS)