WYTCHCRAFT (Grenzgänger) MCD

Here's the first official self-released MCD of this German Power Epic Doom band, and although it's not really the style I dig, "Grenzgänger" is a positive surprise. It contains four tracks, and the first thing that knocks me off is the fat and strong production. Everything sounds and looks very professional and it's once again a good prove, that a good production and mix raises the quality of the songs. So, everyone who owns one of the two before released demos, should forget them, because this is WYTCHCRAFT at its finest. But I must admit, that I got a huge problem with the singing of Kai Tubbesing. He often sounds out of tune, and if he tries to discover an own style I think, that his search had to go on. That's only my personal taste, and may some of you love his singing.
Another point of my critics are the structures within the songs. Sometimes it seems to me, as if WYTCHCRAFT shouldn't try to be as complex as hell (and don't ever reach this goal!). Maybe they should listen more to their hearts, but that's only what my mind tells me while listening to "Grenzgänger". But I know, there are a fans out there who really dig WYTCHCRAFT. They have done a huge step forward with this release, and if they are able to sound on stage as solid as on this MCD, maybe a brighter future will be theirs. For actual infos visit the homepage.